Wednesday, June 22, 2011

From the Journals: DAY 92, May 26

Glen Brook Shelter - North Wilcox Mountain Shelter: 21.4mi
All I wanted to do when I got to the shelter last night was eat and then sleep. However, the shelter had three really drunk guys in it when I arrived. They were friendly and in good spirits. They gave me some vodka and quieted down when they saw me getting ready for bed. It was nice of them. Unfortunately, their drunken snoring prevented me from sleeping. My headlamp was almost out of battery life, so I was stuck until a section hiker couldn't take it anymore. At midnight we packed up and went down the Trail to get some tent platforms. I managed to get some sleep, but was tired for today. Managed to resupply in 2 hrs by skipping laundry. I also gained some more ground on the Professor. Really tired, but I think I might catch him tomorrow if I push hard. It would be 35 miles into Dalton for me.

East Mtn. Retreat Center - Upper Goose Pond Cabin: 19.0 trail miles (21.0 miles total)
Sitting on a small deck, breeze, at Upper Goose Pond Cabin. This place is a two story cabin with a huge front porch and bunks upstairs. The downstairs consists of a large community sitting area with a big fireplace, chairs, a table, and bookcases filled with old Trail guides and quirky paperback novels. The "Caretaker" is an older Jewish couple, the woman is cooking baked squash and salad and has invited me to eat some, I gladly accept, thinking how nice that will go with my freeze dried chili meal. I also eyeballed a huge bottle of Tobasco sauce on the kitchen table, I've been out of hot sauce for days now.

Today was hot...buggy of course, I sweat a ton. The last few miles felt like they dragged. As soon as I got here I ripped off my clothes and jumped into the big, cold Massachusetts Pond, I was reborn and revitalized.

The thought of Dalton drove me on. My feet hurt a bit earlier today, I'm guessing from my almost 27 miler yesterday.

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