Thursday, June 2, 2011

From the Journals: DAY 82, May 16

NJ Route 94 - Wildcat Shelter: 17.0mi
-Enjoyed the motel room until the last minute 11am checkout
-Slippery rocks
-Left ankle might be developing into an issue
-Got to shelter after dark

Saw 2 big black bears today. They bluffed us. I yelled at them.
Tried to hitch a ride back to the Trailhead in the rain this morning- no luck.
It POURED on us!
Late start, didn't want to leave the comfort of the hotel room in the rain. Watched Rules of Engagement this morning waiting out the rain.
The Appalachian Motel is not very hiker friendly. Even though it was pouring, they wouldn't give us a ride the 1.8 miles back to the Trailhead. They were actually kind of jerks, and totally price gouged us to do laundry. Made us pay $11 for 1 load of laundry (They knew the alternative, hike 5 miles in the rain...).
Rocks were wicked slippery today. Got to the shelter really late (9pm), disturbed some older ladies, not anything we could do about it though.
Cooking dinner late, want to go to bed.
My feet hurt.

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