Wednesday, June 22, 2011

From the Journals: DAY 91, May 25

Pine Swamp Brook Shelter - Glen Brook Shelter: 30.0mi
Got to catch the rabbit!
Got to catch the rabbit!

Brassie Brook - East Mtn. Retreat Center: 25.3 mi (+ extra 1.5 mi down a road to get here)
I started out the day by immediately climbing two very steep mountains. back to back. I watched the sun rise, not a cloud in the sky. I feel like it has been weeks since that has happened. Then, I descended into a lowland swamp valley of mosquitos. With all the rain, then suddenly a nice sunny day, the mosquitos have blossomed from larvae to swarms. I have little precious bug spray so I used it sparingly, which meant it didn't do a lot since this was one of those situations where you need to submerge yourself in the stuff to make it effective. Bottom line- the mosquitos dictated and ruled the day...You couldn't stop unless there was a breeze, you couldn't open your mouth to breathe, but only through your nose, that way if they managed to make it up your nose you could crush and extract them, you couldn't eat (because that meant stopping), you couldn't look up because they would fly into your eyes more often than when looking down. The mosquitos kamikaze-d your face, eyes, nose, mouth, ears and every inch of skin that either didn't have bug spray on it or wasn't thoroughly covered. They bite straight through your shirt. My only defense was to hike fast. Hiking fast at least made them work for it. I would look over my shoulder and literally see the swarm chasing me. Gives me goose bumps and makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.

Passed Shay's Rebellion Monument in the middle of a field.

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