Wednesday, April 13, 2011

From the Journals: DAY 28, March 23


Applehouse Shelter - Moreland Gap Shelter: 18.9mi

Well, today was our light day at just under 19miles. We considered briefly pushing til the resupply/hostel 6 miles away, but wisely decided to call it a day. Besides after we went down and up a hill for water, there was no way we were going to hike 6 more miles. The Professor's feet are really blistered and even today at the end of the day he was limping. It is really up in the air if we can stay on schedule. The next two days will be 23.3 miles over some tough terrain. Moreland Gap Shelter is also the poorest designed shelter thus far. It is basically placed in such a way that allows the wind to tunnel up in the valley and blow right into the open side of the shelter. This means in a storm like tonight we are going to get soaked.


A new day, a new blister. My blisters have fully blossomed. My feet are pain centers...a frustrating day. I feel like this terrain we have come into should be easy. My muscles are screaming easy, but my feet won't allow me to go any faster because of the pain in my blisters. Knee felt good today, I think because the terrain was better.

We're dropping out of NC/TN. I can feel it. It's beginning to feel unfamiliar, a land lending to the Shenandoahs, a far distant range only seen on clearest of days from the mountains of TN and NC. The trees creak in the wind, thunderstorm possibly on the horizon, Coach and I are cozy in the shelter. Nobody else here we get to spread out a little....

Later that night: Big thunderstorm, backed into the shelter against the wall, had to wrap ourselves in an emergency blanket to try and keep the rain off. Not much sleep. Not much recovery...

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