Monday, May 2, 2011

From the Journals: DAY 44

Rice Field Shelter - War Spur Shelter: 25.2 mi
Long day today. We rolled the dice with the incoming thunderstorm and lost. When a sign says 1.1 miles to the shelter it should at least be closer to 1 mi than 2. Met up with a group of four thru-hikers, who seem like theyh are hiking at the same speed. We basically destroyed our knees trail running what we thought was the last mile to the shelter to beat the storm. So long story short, we hobbled into the shelter soaking wet.

Second night with the four guys (Youngin, Fosters, Victus and Space Cowboy and their dog Kaia, a 2 year old husky). Shelter is totally full. Everybody and everybody and everything is totally soaked.

2 miles to the shelter. Coach and I are dry and happy. The sun is out. Within minutes a spring flash thunderstorm was slamming us with thunder, lightning, hail and big fat cold rain. We got soaked at the very end of the day. Then four soaked dudes and a wet dog showed up. "Canada" was already here getting out of the rain. Clothes hanging everywhere, dripping everywhere. The dog's hiding under the shelter, away from the lightning. I think I have some mild shin splints in left shin/ankle. Little worried about that.

We made a bad decision to try and beat the storm to the shelter. We ran the last "mile" (at least that's what the sign said, it was more...); Knee hurts and wet as a result.

Coachism: "Fence-over" = Fence stile

I have a fear of waking up to a mouse sucking on my beard because I got food stuck in it...
The Elijah Craig was absolutely scrumptious! Thanks Manager Mike!

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