Tuesday, March 15, 2011

From the Journals: DAY 1, Feb. 24

Springer Mountain - Gooch Mountain Shelter: 15.1 mi.

It was a solid day. A little rough; I'm pretty sore, but a great mileage day considering we started at noon. The other hikers were pretty impressed with our pace. The plan called for us to stop 8.8 miles into the day, so of course, we pushed on to the next shelter. The hike was pretty tough elevation wise, but felt awesome. It will be interesting to see how the Professor and I feel in the morning. It was amazing to finally start this adventure.

NIGHT 1: So last night was hilarious. After everyone laid down for the evening, this guy called "Ole Yeller" started talking and basically got a conversation going about this guy he saw on the trail with an umbrella. Well, everybody met this guy and agreed he was very strange. I mean you know a guy puts off a bad vibe when a group of strangers who have not met him think there is a strong chance he could be a serial killer. Ole Yeller's snoring also taught me that I need some ear plugs. So far I have done a lot of laughing. If it keeps up, morale won't be a problem.

DAY 1: "You boys watch out for that rain tonight" says a man walking with nothing but a denim shirt and pants, short hair, a long, long beard, and nothing but an umbrella in hand.
"You boys better watch out for that rain tonight, don't let it get you... or I will..." my imagination makes him say.
Skipped Hawk's shelter pushed on to Gooch Mountain shelter. 15.1 miles, really tired. Feel better after dinner.

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